Matcha for the Skin & Face

Matcha Face: Using Green Tea Powder for Face and Skin

Green tea, with its abundance of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, has long been considered one of the healthiest beverages in the world. But did you know that this superfood can also be used topically to enhance your skin's health and appearance? In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using matcha green tea powder for your face and skin and provide you with some easy DIY face pack recipes to try at home.

Putting Matcha on Face

We're excited to announce that we've partnered with Fachie Market to create a matcha face mask that combines the powerful benefits of matcha with other nourishing ingredients. Our matcha face mask is made with organic ceremonial grade matcha powder, as well as aloe vera gel, rosehip oil, and tea tree oil. It's designed to detoxify and brighten the skin, reduce inflammation, and fight the signs of aging. You can purchase our matcha face mask on the Fachie Market website, along with a range of other high-quality skin care products. Give it a try and experience the benefits of matcha for yourself!

Fachie Green Clay Mask

Table of Contents

  1. What is matcha green tea powder?

  2. The benefits of matcha green tea powder for the skin

  3. Matcha vs. regular green tea

  4. How to choose the right matcha powder for your skin

  5. DIY face packs using matcha green tea powder

    • Matcha and honey face pack

    • Matcha and yogurt face pack

    • Matcha and avocado face pack

    • Matcha and coconut oil face pack

  6. How to use matcha face packs

  7. Precautions to take when using matcha on your face

  8. Other ways to use matcha for skin care

  9. Matcha as a toner

  10. Matcha as a facial mist

  11. Matcha as an exfoliant

  12. Matcha as a face wash

  13. Matcha as a bath soak

  14. Matcha as a hair treatment

  15. Matcha as a nail treatment

  16. Matcha for acne-prone skin

  17. Matcha for anti-aging

  18. Matcha for brightening and evening out skin tone

  19. Matcha for reducing inflammation

  20. Conclusion

What is matcha green tea powder?

Matcha is a finely ground powder made from specially grown and processed green tea leaves. Unlike regular green tea, where the leaves are steeped and discarded, matcha is made by grinding the leaves into a fine powder, which is then whisked into water to make a frothy, vibrant green tea.

Matcha has been an integral part of Japanese culture for centuries and is used in traditional tea ceremonies. Today, it's gaining popularity all over the world due to its numerous health benefits and versatility.

The benefits of matcha green tea powder for the skin

Matcha is packed with antioxidants, particularly catechins, which help to protect the skin from environmental stressors and prevent premature aging. It also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help to soothe irritated skin and reduce redness.

Matcha is rich in chlorophyll, which is a natural detoxifier. It helps to remove toxins and impurities from the skin, leaving it looking clearer and brighter.

Matcha also contains caffeine, which can help to reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eyes. It also helps to stimulate blood flow to the skin, which can help to give it a natural, healthy glow.

Matcha vs. regular green tea

While both matcha and regular green tea come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, there are some key differences between the two.

Matcha is made from shade-grown tea leaves, which are handpicked and stone-ground into a fine powder. This process gives matcha a more concentrated level of antioxidants and nutrients than regular green tea.

Regular green tea, on the other hand, is made by steeping the tea leaves in hot water. This method extracts some of the antioxidants and nutrients from the leaves, but not as many as you would get from drinking matcha.

How to choose the right matcha powder for your skin

When choosing matcha powder for your skin, it's important to look for high-quality organic powder that is free from additives and preservatives. Look for matcha that is bright green in color, with a fresh, grassy aroma. Avoid matcha that appears dull or brownish in color, as this indicates that it's been exposed to light and air, which can cause it to lose its beneficial properties.

It's also a good idea to look for matcha that has been grown in shaded conditions, as this can increase its antioxidant content. Ceremonial grade matcha, which is the highest quality, is grown in the shade for several weeks before harvesting and is made from the youngest tea leaves, which are the most tender and flavorful.

DIY face packs using matcha green tea powder

Here are some simple DIY face packs that you can make using matcha green tea powder:

Matcha and honey face pack

Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one teaspoon of raw honey to form a thick paste. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This face pack is great for hydrating and brightening the skin.

Matcha and yogurt face pack

Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with two tablespoons of plain yogurt. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This face pack is great for exfoliating and soothing the skin.

Matcha and avocado face pack

Mash half an avocado and mix in one teaspoon of matcha powder. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This face pack is great for nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

Matcha and coconut oil face pack

Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This face pack is great for soothing and hydrating the skin.

How to use matcha face packs

To use a matcha face pack, start by cleansing your face to remove any makeup, dirt, or oil. Apply the face pack to your face, avoiding the eye area, and leave it on for the recommended amount of time. Rinse off the face pack with warm water and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Precautions to take when using matcha on your face

While matcha is generally safe to use on the skin, there are a few precautions you should take:

  • Do a patch test before using matcha on your face to make sure you're not allergic to it.

  • Avoid using matcha face packs if you have open wounds or broken skin, as this can cause irritation.

  • Don't leave the face pack on for longer than the recommended time, as this can cause dryness and irritation.

  • Always use high-quality, organic matcha powder to avoid exposure to harmful additives and preservatives.

Other ways to use matcha for skin care

In addition to face packs, there are several other ways to use matcha for skin care:

Matcha as a toner

Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one cup of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spritz the toner onto your face after cleansing and before moisturizing.

Matcha as a facial mist

Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one cup of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Use the mist to refresh and hydrate your skin throughout the day.

Matcha as an exfoliant

Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one teaspoon of sugar and one tablespoon of coconut oil to form a paste. Massage the paste onto your face in circular motions, then rinse off with warm water.

Matcha as a face wash

Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one teaspoon of honey and a few drops of water to form a paste. Massage the paste onto your face, then rinse off with warm water.

Matcha as a bath soak

Add two tablespoons of matcha powder to a warm bath and soak for 20-30 minutes. This can help to detoxify the skin and soothe any irritation.

Matcha as a hair treatment

Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one tablespoon of coconut oil and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This can help to nourish and strengthen the hair.

Matcha as a nail treatment

Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one tablespoon of olive oil and massage the mixture onto your nails and cuticles. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This can help to strengthen and moisturize the nails.

Matcha for acne-prone skin

Matcha can be particularly beneficial for those with acne-prone skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help to soothe redness and irritation, while its detoxifying properties can help to clear out pores and prevent breakouts.

To use matcha for acne-prone skin, mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one teaspoon of raw honey and a few drops of tea tree oil. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Matcha for anti-aging

Matcha's high concentration of antioxidants makes it a powerful anti-aging ingredient. It helps to protect the skin from free radicals, which can cause premature aging, and stimulates collagen production, which helps to keep the skin looking firm and youthful.

To use matcha for anti-aging, mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one teaspoon of rosehip oil and apply the mixture to your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Matcha for brightening and evening out skin tone

Matcha's chlorophyll content helps to brighten and even out skin tone by reducing the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

To use matcha for brightening and evening out skin tone, mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one teaspoon of lemon juice and apply the mixture to your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Matcha for reducing inflammation

Matcha's anti-inflammatory properties make it a great ingredient for reducing inflammation and redness in the skin.

To use matcha for reducing inflammation, mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one teaspoon of aloe vera gel and apply the mixture to your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.


Matcha green tea powder is a versatile and powerful ingredient that can do wonders for your skin. Whether you're looking to brighten and even out your skin tone, reduce inflammation, or fight the signs of aging, there's a matcha face pack or skin care product that can help.

By incorporating matcha into your skin care routine, you can enjoy all of the benefits of this superfood and achieve healthy, glowing skin.


Is matcha safe to use on all skin types?

Yes, matcha is generally safe to use on all skin types. However, if you have sensitive skin, it's a good idea to do a patch test before using matcha on your face.

Can matcha help to clear up acne?

Yes, matcha's anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties can help to clear up pores and prevent breakouts. However, it's important to use high-quality, organic matcha powder and to avoid leaving face packs on for too long, as this can cause dryness and irritation.

How often should I use a matcha face pack?

You can use a matcha face pack once or twice a week, depending on your skin's needs. It's important not to overdo it, as this can cause dryness and irritation.

Can I use matcha on my hair?

Yes, matcha can be used as a hair treatment to nourish and strengthen the hair. Mix one teaspoon of matcha powder with one tablespoon of coconut oil and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Where can I buy high-quality matcha powder?

You can buy high-quality matcha powder online or at health food stores. Look for organic ceremonial grade matcha powder that is free from additives and preservatives.

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